Syrian refugee demands the abolition of the inscription “Dem deutschen Volke” (To the German people) in the German Parliament (Reichstag)

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Tareq Alaows from Damascus is 31 years young and has studied law in Syria. He speaks the German language quite well. According to his own information, he taught the language himself after he made the journey across the Mediterranean via the Balkans to Germany in 2015 as part of the great wave of refugees. He works, very appropriately, as an adviser on asylum and residence law. He has knowledge of this and can therefore help his Arab compatriots to stay in Germany as long as possible – in some cases permanently.Tareq Alaows would also like to live permanently in Germany. And preferably as a member of the German national parliament. He did not come up with the idea himself, but the Greens helped him and made it clear that they wanted him to run for election. This is reported by the weekly newspaper “Zeit”.

Already in Syria, Mr Alaows claims to have worked “for human rights”, against Assad and the state apparatus. Evidence of this is difficult to find. But here in Germany, with the Greens, he can hit the ground running. The ” Zeit ” quotes him with a rhetoric that is 110 per cent in line with the party:

“The Greens are in government in many cities that are trying to take in more refugees, the so-called safe havens, and federal states that want to take in more refugees. And there are Greens like Aminata Touré, Filiz Polat and many others who are committed to an open society, diversity in politics and respect for human rights. We have a common vision of an open society, which we will work for.”

It would all fit so well, it would all be so beautiful, if there wasn’t one more hurdle to overcome: Tareq Alaows is Syrian and not German. So now he has to be naturalised as quickly as possible. He has “submitted an application for discretionary naturalisation to the competent authority”.

Wouldn’t that be an ingenious solution for many Syrians in Germany? Discretionary naturalisation, and then off to a state parliament or the Bundestag? – There’s plenty of space on the lawn in front of the German Parliament, you could build an extension there …

So simple and colourful it is, the beautiful, new, multi-cultural world of the Greens!


He also wants to ensure that the inscription “Dem deutschen Volke” (To the German people) of the German Bundestag is amended, he announced. “I want to be the voice of those who live here in Germany as refugees,” he said. It is about participation and a new look in parliament, he said. “The people who have decided on migration and refugee policy so far don’t know how you feel when you have to flee. I want to bring this perspective to the German Parliament.” It should no longer say “To the German people” – but “For all people who live in Germany”.

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