Austria: Antifa protests for Afghan rapists and brings traffic to a standstill

A sit-in by Antifa caused traffic gridlock on Vienna’s Roßauer Lände street on Tuesday. This resulted in traffic jams stretching for miles in the direction of the city centre. Some demonstrators had chained themselves to the police detention centre (the refugees had long since arrived at the airport). The police had to intervene. “Come by! Support the blockade or just be here in solidarity,” the organisers of the registered rally posted on Twitter, asking for participants.

Now it is clear who the solidarity should be for: 37 people who were deported to Afghanistan. 17 of them were of age and men.The criminals had a total of 38 offences (on average three per person) to their credit. Three men were sentenced for attempted and completed rape. In addition, there was serious coercion, bodily harm, dangerous threats, deprivation of liberty, robbery, theft, damage to property, resistance to authority and various drug-related offences.One person has a previous conviction for dangerous threat. The convicted person threatened to kill all persons involved in his negative proceedings (specifically, two employees of the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum and a judge of the Federal Administrative Court). “Due to the offences committed and the predicted threat, entry bans lasting several years were issued to protect public safety and order,” the Ministry of the Interior stated.Minister Karl Nehammer ( Austrian People’s Party) is in favour of consistent repatriation in the case of rejected asylum decisions. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, any imminent danger of a return to Afghanistan would be carefully examined in each individual case. The case in question was a Frontex charter operation organised by Sweden.

3 thoughts on “Austria: Antifa protests for Afghan rapists and brings traffic to a standstill

    “extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in supremacy and the rule of elites, and subjugation of individual interests” (slightly modified)

    ISLAM– See above.


  2. Pingback: Austria: Antifa causes massive traffic jam with protest demanding Muslim migrant rapists not be deported – Islam Blog & News

  3. Pingback: Antifa causes massive traffic jam with protest demanding Muslim migrant rapists not be deported - Nehemiah Reset Forum

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