Turkish-born candidate for local elections in Germany claims: Our party list is open to Muslims and infidels

Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Text „Von Oliver Bär 0- er er- die rei- ha- ut- RÜSSELSHEIM. Die Aussage des Spitzenkandidaten der Aktiven Demokraten (ADR), Erdal Koca, dass die Liste sowohl Moslems als auch Ungläubigen offen ste- he, hat in der vergangenen Wo- che für reichlich Wirbel und Verärgerung gesorgt. „Das war so nicht gemeint", sagt Cuma Burak Irmak, der auf Listen- platz zwei für die Aktiven De- mokraten kandidiert, im Ge- spräch mit dieser Zeitung und bedauert đen in seinen Augen missverständlichen Ausdruck. Auch Koca bedauert die Wort- wahl. Er habe sagen en. die ei- om fen on en- ge- len lie- ip-“

The statement of the top candidate of the Aktive Demokraten (Active Democrats) in Rüsselsheim, Erdal Koca, that the party list is open to Muslims as well as ” infidels”, has caused a lot of fuss and anger in the past week.

Even some representatives of the usually pro-Muslim party, The Greens, are alarmed:

The Greens in Rüsselsheim fundamentally reject the statements of Erdal Koca (Active Democrats Rüsselsheim). In a characterisation of society, he differentiates between “Muslims and infidels”. For the Greens it is clear: “A human being is a human being. A differentiation into believers and infidels is harmful. All people have the same dignity and the same rights. We expect all people to be open to new things, tolerant of those who think and believe differently, and accepting of other ways of life and identities. No tolerance for intolerance!”

“We expect all parties in the local elections to accept the values of the Free Democratic Basic Order, especially if they use the word “democratic” in their name. The executive committee of the Greens in Rüsselsheim fundamentally excludes cooperation with voter groups that try to divide society and take radical positions,” says Christian Vogt, spokesperson of the executive committee of the Greens in Rüsselsheim.
