Austria: Raid on Islam centre in Graz suspected of terrorism – Green Party logo discovered on the sponsor board of the Islamic association – Green Minister of Justice had contact with this Islamic association

Grüne als Sponsor von islamistischen Zentrum, in dem Razzia stattfand?
Picture: partly pixelated by Info-DIREKT for legal reasons. Symbolic picture of a policeman and picture composition by Info-DIREKT

Yesterday, Monday morning, 60 house searches against suspected Islamists and their networks in Austria took place. Among them was an Islamic cultural centre in Graz. Explosive: The Internet portal Info-DIREKT possesses photos which suggest that the Green Party may have sponsored this Islamic institute.The raids were conducted today on 70 defendants on suspicion of, inter alia, terrorist financing, money laundering and terrorist organisation. The Public Prosecutor’s Office points out that the raids have no connection with the terrorist attack in Vienna.The suspicion that the Green party might have sponsored the controversial Islamic centre in Graz is based on a sponsorship plaque that is or was publicly hung on a house wall in Graz. On it, besides the “cultural centre”, numerous logos of presumed sponsors and supporters of the organisation can be spotted. In addition to the logo of the Green party and a well-known Austrian insurance company, there are also logos of companies whose owners may have Bosnian roots.It is unlikely that the logo of the Greens accidentally slipped onto the large banner, as another connection between the Greens and the controversial centre is known. As a photo on Twitter shows, the Bosnian-born Green politician Alma Zadic visited the Islamic centre, which is considered a radical centre, in September 2019. This became public when Zadic became Minister of Justice in January 2020. However, instead of investigating this connection, mainstream media and politicians insisted on defaming any criticism of Zadic’s visit as “right-wing agitation”. Thanks to the media support, Zadic still had no need to explain the background to her controversial visit.Given the suspected links between the Green Party, the Green Minister of Justice and the Islamic centre, which is under serious suspicion, it will be particularly important to monitor closely how the established media and judiciary behave towards the individuals and organisations involved.Info-DIREKT has made several media enquiries to the Greens regarding the impression that the Greens may have sponsored an Islamic centre where a house search took place today, among other things due to suspicions of terrorist financing. Enquiries (partly by telephone, partly in writing, partly both) were made to the Green municipal party, the Green regional party and the Green federal party. A further request for comments on this subject, both by telephone and by letter, was sent to the well-known insurance company, whose logo was also displayed on the banner.Despite statements to the contrary, we have not yet received any feedback. If any further statements are made, in particular on the issue of suspected money flows, we will update them here.

2 thoughts on “Austria: Raid on Islam centre in Graz suspected of terrorism – Green Party logo discovered on the sponsor board of the Islamic association – Green Minister of Justice had contact with this Islamic association

  1. Pingback: Ten items on Islam and leftist destruction of Western traditions and values: Links 1 on November 11, 2020 – Vlad Tepes

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