BREAKING: Knife attacker shouted “Allahu akbar” – Man critically injured in Stolberg, Germany

Violent knife attack in the night to Sunday in Stolberg near Aachen!

At 0.40 a.m. a man is said to have attacked a driver in his car with a knife and to have injured him critically. An emergency surgery saved his life. The man is in hospital with severe injuries.

During the attack, the assailant is said to have shouted “Allahu akbar” according to tabloid BILD information. As a police spokesman stated when asked by BILD, the victim was walking at walking pace in his car when the attacker opened the driver’s door and stuck a knife in the driver’s arm.

A spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior: “We cannot rule out an Islamist background to the knife attack tonight. Therefore, a nationwide search is currently underway for the suspect.

According to the newspaper BILD, the suspect was already considered an Islamist test case by the State Security Service, but after the crime he was now classified as an Islamist dangerous person.

Further backgrounds of the bloody deed are at present still unclear. According to police, the crime took place at the Bastinsweiher pond in the heart of Stolberg. The Cologne police have taken over the investigation of a possible background to the attack from the Aachen authorities.

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