Robin Williams Warned Us About Joe Biden Years Ago

Joe Biden has been a source of humor for years. His inappropriate behavior and verbal gaffes have given us many laughs, but many of these gaffes seem indistinguishable from evidence of cognitive decline. After previously saying, “I’ve been tested and I’m constantly tested,” he now says he’s not taken a cognitive test and refuses to do so.

His recent gibberish on China shows just how big of a problem his cognitive decline is. He just can’t make a coherent statement on policy. He rambles and then loses his train of thought. Imagine him dealing with world leaders. Imagine him with the nation’s nuclear codes. I don’t think anyone wants to.

For some time it was easy to laugh this off. But Joe Biden is now the presumptive Democratic nominee. We’ve been laughing at his gaffes long enough. One of the two major political parties is on the verge on making him their nominee for president.

It’s not like we weren’t warned, either. Even the late Robin Williams was aware of Joe Biden’s craziness.

The following undated clip features Robin Williams mocking Biden during a stand-up routine. It’s obvious from the clip that Biden was not a politician taken seriously by most people—Williams’ bit captures that perfectly by describing Joe Biden as being “like your uncle who’s on a new drug and hasn’t got the dosage right.”

It’s a short clip, but do watch it.

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